Although this fall continues to be challenging, one item to start thinking about is seed selections for 2019. Looking back on the unbearable spring and summer growing season there were many adverse weather conditions along with several plant health issues. These challenges created saturated soils and poor foliar response to grain fill, which had huge effects on yield!
Crystal Valley has a diverse seed selection including Dekalb, NK, Croplan, LG Seeds, Mycogen, Stine and Credenz. These can all be seen within our replicated plots as well as our research plots which show the response to fungicide, planting population, and nitrogen that have shown an impeccable yield bump.
When determining a corn or soybean variety keep these factors in mind:
However, to get the most out of each field there are other factors to take into consideration. This fall, we have seen poor stand counts, questionable standability, and average intactness. Harvesting can be made significantly easier when using a disease package that is resistant or tolerant to stalk rot and crown rot on corn. As well as, phytophthora, physoderma, white mold, and SDS on soybeans. To combat disease pressure and adverse weather conditions a fungicide and/or in-season Nitrogen applications should be considered for the 2019 growing season.
Seed selection can be a daunting task for any operation. Be sure to reach out to your local Crystal Valley Agronomist to help analyze the best options for each field. Our experienced staff provides agronomic diversity which sets us apart. Your seed selection is what sets you apart. Let's ensure we make the best decision possible, together!
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